News, Monthly Birthstones, Ideas, Custom Makes and Ponderings from the little world of Diane at Dainty Rocks Jewellery

April Birthstone ~ Beautiful Clear Rock Quartz
April - The month of Crystal Quartz 💎 If you are born in the gorgeous month of April your traditional Birthstone is Diamond. However, if you're looking for an April Birthstone on...
April Birthstone ~ Beautiful Clear Rock Quartz
April - The month of Crystal Quartz 💎 If you are born in the gorgeous month of April your traditional Birthstone is Diamond. However, if you're looking for an April Birthstone on...

Mother’s Day, A history and some Gift Ideas
A little bit of history 🤔 I've done a little research and some folks say ~ Like many traditions and festivities, Mothering Sunday began with a religious purpose. Held on the...
Mother’s Day, A history and some Gift Ideas
A little bit of history 🤔 I've done a little research and some folks say ~ Like many traditions and festivities, Mothering Sunday began with a religious purpose. Held on the...

March ~ Aquamarine
March brings the gorgeous delight of aquamarine. From the Latin Aqua Marinus meaning Water ~ Sea A calming and peaceful gemstone, very light blue in colour, sometimes very pale. Aquamarine...
March ~ Aquamarine
March brings the gorgeous delight of aquamarine. From the Latin Aqua Marinus meaning Water ~ Sea A calming and peaceful gemstone, very light blue in colour, sometimes very pale. Aquamarine...

FAQ's ~ What size should you order?
FAQ's ~ Sizing for BraceletsThe most common query is…What size do I order? It’s just so hard isn’t it? Dress size has no bearing on wrist size, so how...
FAQ's ~ What size should you order?
FAQ's ~ Sizing for BraceletsThe most common query is…What size do I order? It’s just so hard isn’t it? Dress size has no bearing on wrist size, so how...

November Birthstone, The beautiful Joyful Citrine
November Birthstone ~ A Joyful sunny stone, Citrine, yellow and clear, full of positivity and all that happy warm goodness. November is coming, and it brings a beautiful autumn colour stone...
November Birthstone, The beautiful Joyful Citrine
November Birthstone ~ A Joyful sunny stone, Citrine, yellow and clear, full of positivity and all that happy warm goodness. November is coming, and it brings a beautiful autumn colour stone...