Five simple things you can do today to bring you peace

Five simple things you can do today to bring you peace

Five simple things you can do today to bring you peace

I am a firm believer that you should be ruthless in the pursuit of your own happiness and wellbeing. This is so important, especially when you have a young family and a business. I think we’re all guilty of not prioritising ourselves properly from time to time. So, I’ve put together a short list of simple things you can do today to bring yourself a little peace...

  1. Take a technology detox – there are so many wonderful ways to communicate these days and it’s all to easy to get sucked into the urgency to respond to things. If the luxury of a remote getaway isn’t an option, then taking a little break from technology can be almost as calming. Turn your phone off for the evening or the whole weekend or perhaps implement a new ‘no phones’ rule for the bedroom or at the dining table.
  1. Create something – who cares if you’re ‘not that creative’ or you don’t have the right equipment. Stop finding excuses, be resourceful and make something just for the pure enjoyment of it. You could; bake, draw, sew, paint, sing, write…whatever you’re feeling and don’t focus on the results just enjoy the processes of making something.
  1. Let go – letting go of ‘dead wood’ is incredibly therapeutic and uplifting. It also doesn’t always have to be big and overwhelming.. Start small and perhaps clear out a kitchen cupboard, throw out those old clothes that don’t fit (who needs reminding of putting on a few pounds every time the wardrobe is opened anyway?), do a little pruning in the garden or say ‘yes’ to that thing you’ve been putting off…let go of that fear!
  1. Take a walk – get some fresh air and stretch your legs. It doesn’t matter if you only stroll down the road, taking a walk will get your body moving and those ‘feel good’ endorphins going. Besides, you never know what you might see or who you might bump into. There maybe a lot of doom and gloom out there but it is still a beautiful world.
  1. Have a cuppa – there’s not much a good old-fashioned cup of tea can’t fix. Regardless of how busy you are or how long your to do list is, take a break. Find somewhere quiet, pour yourself a cup of steaming hot tea and take five. Calming chamomile or ‘British Standard’, you’ll feel so much better for it. 

I started my business in 2010 and I’ve handmade some beautiful, personalised jewellery in that time. Here are a few of my favourite recent pieces which have been created with the intention of promoting peace.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful day,

Di x


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Loving your blog Di! I’m thinking seriously of taking a break from technology for a while. Not feeling quite brave enough to yet though!! Our cousin Wendy is still wearing the beautiful love, peace and hope bracelet you gifted to her…she never takes it off. Thank you again xx


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